Mining Resume Keywords to help you get your next Mining JOB

Why Mining Resume Keywords will help you get your next Mining JOB

It is no secret that recruiters use Resume Screening Software to scan Resumes/CVs for mining jobs. There are simply too many applicants per job to read them all manually. If your Mining Resume does not have the right keywords you are not going to get a look in. It doesn’t matter if you write about how motivated you are, about how hard working you are, blah, blah, blah. The Resume Screen Software does not care.

Your Resume is being scanned for the right keywords that are specific to the job you are applying for. If your Resume does not have the right keywords, you will not get anywhere.

So how can you beat the software? How do you know what keywords they are looking for? Thankfully, it is not difficult to ensure your Resume ticks all the boxes.

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The easiest way to do this is to look at the words used in the advertisement for the job. If they mention WHS/OSH then you should too. In fact, an emphasis on safety is highly recommended in EVERY mining Resume, no matter which job you are applying for.

If the job ad mentions specific qualifications and tickets, make sure you have them listed (but only if you have them!). The idea is to pick up the keywords that are being used in the ad, and try to ensure that you have these in your Resume. An easy way to do this is to print out the ad and highlight the keywords. Then check your Resume and make sure that you have these keywords listed in job duties or under a suitable heading such as Key Skills. That way, you are going to be going to the top of the matching candidates list generated by the software. Once this happens you have a very good chance of your Resume actually being read by a human. The next step is getting that all important call.


It is important to note that keywords alone will not guarantee you success when applying for your next Australian mining job. To pass the Resume Screening software you will also need to ensure that your Resume is formatted correctly and does not contain confusing images, tables or strange fonts. Stick to standard fonts such as Arial, Calibri or Verdana. If you don’t understand what this means, you probably need to seek assistance from a professional Resume Writer or purchase a great Mining Resume template to get you started and on the right track.

All Mining Resumes written and provided by us, are written in a standard font that screening software can easily scan. We do not use any confusing tables and we do not use indenting and images. Our Mining Resumes are professionally written, keyword optimised and clearly formatted and are perfectly setup for software scanning AND reading by humans too!

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