Mining Resume Writer
Professionally written Mining Resumes and Cover Letters
for Queensland Mining Industry Jobs
Are you looking for a high-paying FIFO job in the Australian mines, but struggling to get noticed by employers?
Get your dream mining job with our professional resume writing service.
Suitable for:
Experienced Tradespeople
Mining Professionals
Entry Level mining jobs: get your first mining job!
Transition from Defence to Mining
Available 24/7 | Online Service | Fast and Easy
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Which of the following is the best match for YOU?
Resume Writing Service to assist people from ALL career backgrounds to get their FIRST Mining job.
We upsell your existing skills and experience to show employers how you can transition into the mining industry and add value.
Professional Resume and Cover Letter writing service for experienced mining professionals.
We achieve outstanding results for our clients looking to take the next step in their mining career.
Custom written Resume templates and cover letters for each type of mining job.
Structured format that Employers & Recruiters love and easy-to-scan for Applicant Tracking Software.
From $14.99-$19.99.
100% Client Satisfaction
Recently completed Resumes:
Mining Superintendent, Boilermaker, Dump Truck Trainee, Mobile Plant Operator, Entry Level Mining roles, Electrician, Storeman, Site Administrator, Driller's Offsider, Mechanical Fitter, HR Truck Driver, Excavator Operator, Dump Truck Operator, Rigger/Scaffolder, Charge-up Operator, Traineeship, Instrumentation Electrician, Graduate Engineer.
Career Change Resumes, Transition from other Career to Mining:
Construction Supervisor, Small Business Owner, Hairdresser, Beautician, Aged Care Worker, Business Executive, Former Army, Helicopter Pilot, Safety Advisor, Nurse, Teacher.
What You Need to Know
Using a Professional Resume Writing Service is a sure-fire way to ensure you put your best foot forward for your next mining job. Whether you have no experience in the mining industry yet, or you are an experienced mining professional, we are here to help.
Popular jobs in the mining sector include jobs as a Dump Truck Operator, Mobile Plant Operator, Electrician, Boilermaker, Safety Advisor, Graduate Engineer and support services such as Utility, Peggy, Housekeeper and Cleaner.
Most clients we work with wish they had used a Professional Resume Writing Service sooner when they realise what a difference a correctly formatted and professionally written Resume (and optional Cover Letter) makes to their career options.
We know what mining industry employers are looking for
We know what works and we know what doesn’t. Best of all, our Resumes and Cover Letters are written in the right format to be screened by Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) used by recruitment agencies and large mining companies (such as Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and FMG. Fancy text boxes and fiddly graphic design elements simply do not get past the software.
Our clean and easy-to-scan formatting, when combined with content-rich writing, including the use of industry buzzwords and job-specific relevant skills and keywords will get your Resume past the software and in front of a human and in front of your potential employer. From there you are set up for success to land your dream job.
If you are ready to achieve success, contact us today.
- KEYWORDS and BUZZWORDS: Keywords and buzzwords are built into your Resume to help get you past that pesky Applicant Tracking Software used by recruitment agencies and large mining companies.
- EASY: Whichever option you choose, we have done all the hard work for you! You will get a professional Resume that will showcase your previous experience and work history, highlight relevant skills, making you stand out and rise to the top of the pile.
- GET RESULTS: If you are struggling to get your next mining job, getting a great Resume is a small investment to help you win big and make the most of opportunities when they arise.
- ENTRY LEVEL MINING RESUME: We specialise in helping people break into the mining industry with a Resume that showcases skills from other sectors. We help you transition your skills into the mining sector in entry level jobs such as Dump Truck Operators, Plant Operators or just getting your foot in the door in an assortment of mining entry-level jobs. We help people just like you every day to get a job at one of the big mining companies such as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, FMG, Newmont, Oz Energy, Oz Minerals, Newcrest.
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