Plumber Resume


Plumber Resume

  • Pre-written objective statement that up-sells your qualifications and skills as a Plumber

  • Lists Tickets and Licences

  • Resume is rich with industry keywords, emphasis on safety, several job history examples for Plumbing jobs.

  • Suitable for both Plumbers looking for job in both the mining and construction industry.

  • BONUS: Includes FIFO work examples for FIFO Plumbers.



Plumber Resume

Plumber Resume

  • Pre-written objective statement that up-sells your Plumbing qualifications and skills

  • Lists Tickets and Licences

  • Resume is rich with industry keywords, emphasis on safety, job history examples for various Plumbing jobs.

  • Suitable for Plumbing jobs in both the mining and construction industry.

  • BONUS Includes FIFO Plumber work examples and job duties